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Decrease user churn before renewal

Expand NRR by matching with active buyers to your churning licenses.

The 34 billion dollar problem.

Capaseat was started to stop buyer abuse with software.

According to 1E, 38% of software was unused in UK and US in 2015.

When startups are expected to do less with more, it's time to pay for the software seats they actually use.

We are building Capaseat to create a marketplace for software seats where you can sell, buy and exchange software seats in your favorite tools.

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User retention is decreasing.

Increased churn

Low adoption

Decreased NPS

Avoidable customer churn is costing SaaS businesses in the US 136 billion dollars annually.

38% of software licenses go unused by customers.

NPS in the SaaS industry has fallen from 41 in 2022 to 40 in 2023.

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Tech Pattern 3D Lined Shape


To enable access to the right software stack that matches the business needs of a company's lifecycle.

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How does it work?

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Your CSP sends data on dormant licenses to Capaseat

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Capaseat identifies new companies searching for these licenses

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We integrate with your CS platform

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You get access to expansion revenue and net new logos

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What's in it for you?

  • Increased NPS from existing customers
  • New logo acquisition
  • Expansion revenue from new logos
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Talk To Us

Feel free to call or email us if you have any questions or want to learn more!


+44 77 19 57 10 88


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